Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The sun is about to rise.....the castle of quiet is here. Get in if you can.

Good times last night! ...Even if I'm sometimes feeling like life is weighing me down, leaden weight on my chest, I can always "give good show," and it emboldens my week.

A blazing hour+ of black metal, breaking gradually into trails of dark, heavy noise and psychedelia. ...It was cool to see a bunch of late-breaking comments hit on the playlist; The Castle is often TOO QUIET from 1:30-3.

You liked: Ghast (new album!) | Recreant (awesome new album, and I can't thank Jillian enough for turning me on to this amazing band) (Btw, you can see Ides tonight live at The Meatlocker in Montclair; Ides live on MCoQ, 2012 Dec.) | Skullflower (previously unreleased track, from this.)

Personal highs included the aforementioned, as well as a song from the new Mayhem on Season of Mist, the Wolvhammer / Krieg split 7" on Broken Limbs, the outstanding debut 12" by Uniform, tracks from the Szamanka OST by Andrzej Korzyński, and a looming, brooding track from the Husere Grav / FRKSE split on Divergent Series [link @ aQuarius Records.]

Thanks for listening, as always, and please remember that WFMU is silently fundraising, and holding a mascot contest, all this month.

NEXT WEEK: KRAUT-OUT #3!  (v.1 / v.2)

Click on this week's screen capture, from Strip Nude For Your Killer, to reach the playlist, archived audio, and comments from last night's horrorcast™.