Friday, January 21, 2011

an upside down giant teacup, that sounds cool

First off, apologies for last week's needlessly downtrodden rant.
Have some cake.

Back to basics on The Castle. Mostly new releases last night, and hearty praise for the new Merzbow Merzbient box, new Haare, Rotorvator, Dhampyr, Yellow Swans, Killing Joke (also new!), Shit and Shine, and Decoy Jews.

It's all about the music; making those choices is what I do best, and I won't fail you or myself if I just go with that. Not that I'm overtly obsessed with failure. The proliferation of good, new music (even in the narrow field of genres that I traverse) makes that part of it easy. But sequestering oneself, at this time of year in New Jersey, with a pile of new things to listen to, is a joy, especially when one gets to share the resultant discoveries with a growing group of listeners every week for three hours.

I'm playing it straight this week, no alter egos, no cryptic tragedies. I've just been watching a lot of good movies, many of them on Netflix Instant Queue, another comforting winter-time activity. Some quick recommendations for you all (and forgive me, King John, if the original suggestions came from you; I'm sure that many of them did) >>> Meadowoods, Pusher I-III, Bubble, Valhalla Rising, Altered, In Vanda's Room, This Sporting Life, Behind Convent Walls, Curtis Harrington's The Killing Kind, The Cremator, and Butterfly Kiss. Oh, and the Danger Man / Secret Agent series box set has been providing much enjoyment as well.

Be well.
Hard times may be afoot, but there are always little joys.
They are not little

Click on the cake to get to the party.

In two weeks, Kyle Clyde, LIVE!

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