Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm disappointed to hear that the condition isn't permanent.

Freudstein's condition was permanent. Amd when your insides are made up of worms, maggots and black muck, where is the QoL? Nowhere, mon frere! (And just a tip, it's always a good idea before closing on a house to make sure that an immortal, rotten-banana-faced cannibal doesn't reside in the basement. This way, the seller absorbs the cost of removal. Sadly, inspectors can be corrupt, and one may be required to take a more hands-on approach prior to closing.) If this is going to be a long story, I'll wait outside, as I've seen House By The Cemetery 10+ times. The little kid's name is Bob, which is just weird (why not Bobby?), and in the English-dubbed version, the character of Bob is voiced by an actor clearly several years his senior—VERY distracting. Still, it's a favorite Fulci, perhaps the "last great," as Manhattan Baby blew chunks big enough to fashion an appropriately nasty chef's salad.

You mention Hendrix? I'd rather surrender a finger joint than hear the 27 live versions of "Machine Gun" that are out there, again. Slow, electric, blues bunk. I've more rock sacrilege where that came from, if any of you have been following my anti-Patti Smith musings @Mycastleofquiet. It begins and ends with "Redondo Beach," and even there, "woman all standing with shack on their faces," Really? "SHACK"? Someone once wrote, "Kill Your Idols," but then I think I live by that better than most.

So wha'appen last night? Not too sure, as Shaq was on my face most of the night. Y'all reveled in the Mothra soundtrack (as did I), someone "liked" Defuntos (I think), and Dad They Broke Me, Cirrhus, Tomhet and Cadaver In Drag all rallied you up off of your hemorrhoid pillows.

NEXT WEEK: Jason Soliday
THE WEEK AFTER: Raspberry Bulbs
later in July: Decimus
and later this summer and/ or fall, possibly: Lady Piss (Streaming, great record!), and The Black Twilight Circle tour. (Yes, you read that correctly.) York Factory Complaint? Decoy Jews aka Plagues? High School Confidential? Ladysmith Black Mambazo? I suppose I should talk to the artists FIRST.

Click on Freudstein to view the playlist, and audio-archive playback options for this week's horrorcast™. Thanks for listening.

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