Friday, April 14, 2017

kimmy: hi Tony. more drums

Much obliged to IDES, who brought a more intense/focused version of the band I loved just as much in 2012 (their first appearance on The Castle); their songs and arrangements are great, their fury and sheer enjoyment intense. I only wish I could have provided more room for singer Jillian K. to tear it up! Treat yourself to their late 2016 cassette & digital album Born To Run In Place, and keep an eye here for upcoming live performances.

Other than our live guests, horrorcast™ torrid treats included a new track by Pharmakon, from a great new album on Sacred Bones |  new Cult of Fire, an Untitled EP and probably my favorite work of theirs to date | ...more new black metal from Ride For Revenge | Black Cilice | Verwoed | Curved Blade ...

Rounded out our three precious hours with two new experimental releases; selections from Lea Bertucci's great All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, and Incapacitants' Survival of the Laziest.

This post comes two days late, as I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday couch- or bed-ridden, in pain, not your problem but by way of explanation there it is; I was pretty much incapable of doing anything. Now I know what people mean when they say, "at least you've got your health." Is that idiom ever really appreciated until one doesn't?

Other than that, my viewing week included several pleasures, mostly thanks to the Shudder streaming service; an oddball, low-cost-but-very-enjoyable sex-doll fetish horror/drama called Love Object (with none other than Rip Torn is a supporting role!), and if you want to be scared, and I know you do (so rare for me, and a distinct pleasure for me when a movie can get under my skin), see Hostile, a Frenh film from 2015; both trailers below.

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